Vienna Erdberg to City Centre

This page provides detailed directions from Vienna Erdberg bus station to the city centre.

The bus station is 3-4km from the inner city and the best way to get there is by metro, which takes about 10-20 minutes, depending on where you go. Generally, the journey always starts by walking from the bus terminal to the metro station that is across the street (though not always obviously visible).

Getting to Erdberg Metro Station

Erdberg bus station is situated literally under a motorway. As you exit the bus, you will find youself under a massive motorway bridge. The street that passes under this bridge in front of the bus station is Erdbergstrasse (the bus station’s address is Erdbergstrasse 200a). The metro station is right across the street.

The best way to get to the other side is to use a pedestrian bridge that links the metro station with the big parking house (Park and Ride Erdberg) which is adjacent to the bus terminal. It is well signed, and most other people from your bus will be heading to the metro station too.

Choosing the Right Train

The metro is called U-Bahn in Vienna and individual lines are labeled with the letter U in front of the line number. This one is U3 and the metro station’s name is Erdberg.

The city centre is to the north-west from Erdberg station. Make sure to take a train in direction to Ottakring.

Places Directly on U3

Some of the most popular places in the city centre can be reached directly by the metro line U3 without any transfers:

Stephansdom (St Stephen’s Cathedral), Graben, and Kärntner Strasse shopping streets – exit the metro at Stephansplatz station, 6 stops from Erdberg.

Hofburg (Imperial Palace) – get off at Herrengasse station, 7 stops from Erdberg.

Parliament, the twin museums – exit at Volkstheater, 8 stops from Erdberg.

Short Walk from U3 or Optional Transfer

Other landmarks, while having their own metro stations on different lines, are close enough to walk from line U3 (5 minutes or less), unless you have heavy luggage:

Vienna State Opera – walk from Stephansplatz station (very nice walk through Kärntner Strasse), or take one stop on line U1 to Karlsplatz (make sure to exit on the opera side, not the Karlsplatz side, which is almost as far from the opera as Stephansplatz).

Rathaus (city hall), Museumsquartier (Museums Quarter) – walk from Volktheater station, or take one stop on line U2.

Transfer Needed

Some places will require you to change from U3 to a different metro or S-Bahn (urban train) line. These are not really in the city centre, but are also very popular tourist destinations:

Prater – change to line U1 at Stephansplatz or to S-Bahn at Landstrasse Wien-Mitte station (4 stops from Erdberg), then continue to Praterstern station. The Wien-Mitte route is a bit faster timetable-wise, but the Stephansplatz route is more convenient, especially if you are not familiar with the U-Bahn/S-Bahn transfer at Wien-Mitte.

UNO City / Vienna International Centre – change to U1 at Stephansplatz and continue to Kaisermühlen-VIC station. It is 6 stops on U3 and 6 stops on U1, with travel time about half an hour.

Schönbrunn Palace – change to U4 at Landstrasse Wien-Mitte, then continue to Schönbrunn station. 4 stops on U3 and 8 stops on U4.

Which Places Are Best to Stay?

There is of course not a single best area, but some places are admittedly better than others in terms of location, atmosphere, range of accommodation options, or prices. See detailed guide – where to stay in Vienna.

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